What is the meaning of Bursa?

Any of the many small fluid-filled sacs located at the point where a muscle or tendon slides across bone. These sacs serve to reduce friction between the two moving surfaces.

A diverticulum on the cloaca of young birds, which serves as a lymphatic organ and as part of the immune system, but which atrophies as the bird ages.

Any of various pouch-like organs for storing semen prior to copulation in the male or for receiving semen in the female.

A parament about twelve inches square in which the folded corporal is kept in for reasons of reverence.

exchange: a place for conducting trading.


bursa, any of the many small fluid-filled sacs located at the point where a muscle or tendon slides across bone. These sacs serve to reduce friction between the two moving surfaces.

burse; purse


oxhide, animal skin

purse, especially one made of skin or leather

supply of money, funds


purse (for money)


stock market

boarding house (housing for students at a boarding school)

bursa (parament about twelve inches square in which the folded corporal is kept in for reasons of reverence)

bursa (sac where muscle slides across bone)





Source: wiktionary.org