What is the meaning of Coherent?

Unified; sticking together; making up a whole.

Orderly, logical and consistent.

Aesthetically ordered.

Having a natural or due agreement of parts; harmonious: a coherent design.

Of waves having the same direction, wavelength and phase, as light in a laser.

Attaching or pressing against an organ of the same nature.

Belonging to a specific class of sheaves having particularly manageable properties closely linked to the geometrical properties of the underlying space. See Coherent sheaf on Wikipedia.Wikipedia

In a technical sense, determined by the (topology of) the subsets. Formally, Such that is the finest topology on for which the inclusion maps are continuous, where each is considered with its subspace topology.

Finitely generated and such that all finitely generated submodules are finitely presented.

Such that every finitely generated (left) ideal is finitely presented.



third-person plural present active indicative of cohēreō

Alternative form of coerent

Source: wiktionary.org