What is the meaning of Container?

Someone who contains; something that contains.

An item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported.

A very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods.

Someone who holds people in their seats or in a (reasonably) calm state.

  1. A file format that can hold various types of data.

    A file format that can hold various types of data.

    An abstract data type whose instances are collections of other objects.

    Any user interface component that can hold further (child) components.

    A web container.

    A bundle consisting of operating system, application code and dependencies to be run sandboxed inside a virtualized environment; the environment itself.

    A type of cryptic device where one word is inserted into another.

    shipping container, cargo container

    dumpster or domestic recycling bin, large waste container


    (cargo) container (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods)

    a container (large metal box for transporting goods)

    a container (large metal box for transporting goods)

    Alternative spelling of contĂȘiner

    shipping container


    a container (cargo container)

    a dumpster

    Source: wiktionary.org