What is the meaning of Corn?

Any cereal plant (or its grain) that is the main crop or staple of a country or region.

Maize, a grain crop of the species Zea mays.

A grain or seed, especially of a cereal crop.

A small, hard particle.

A type of granular snow formed by repeated melting and refreezing, often in mountain spring conditions.

Bullets, ammunition, charge and discharge of firearms.


To granulate; to form (a substance) into grains.

To preserve using coarse salt, e.g. corned beef.

To provide (an animal) with corn (typically maize; or, in Scotland, oats) for feed.

To render intoxicated.

To shoot up with bullets as by a shotgun (corn).

A type of callus, usually on the feet or hands.

An inflammatory disease of a horse's hoof, at the caudal part of the sole.

Skin hyperplasia with underlying fibroma between both digits of cattle.

Something (e.g., acting, humour, music, or writing) which is deemed old-fashioned or intended to induce emotion.

pornography; porn

horn (of an animal)


sea snail

horn (a musical instrument)




roll, coil

Any plant that bears grain, especially wheat.

A field planted with such plants.

Any kind of grain (especially as food)

A seed of a non-grain plant.

A grain or seed used as a unit of weight.

The optimum product; the superior portion.

The deserving; those who are morally right.

A bole (external tumourous growth).

Alternative form of corne (callus)

corn, a grain or seed

a cornlike pimple, a corn on the foot

horn (a bony projection on the head of some animals)

corner, angle, secluded place

strength, power

horn (an instrument used to create sound)


cornel, European cornel, Cornus mas

rafter (of a house)



crops (of grain)

to feed (a horse) with oats or grain




corn, callus

Source: wiktionary.org