What is the meaning of Damar?

A large tree of the order Coniferae, indigenous to the East Indies and Australasia, now genus Agathis.

A clear to yellow resin, obtained in Malaya from trees of the genera Shorea (family Dipterocarpaceae) and Symplocos (family Symplocaceae), used in varnishes and inks

Any of various hard resins, obtained especially from evergreen trees, notably of the genera Agathis (family Araucariaceae) and Hopea (family Dipterocarpaceae), native to southeast Asia, also used in varnishes and lacquers.

vein, blood vessel


an inherited trait, characteristic, or feature

vein, blood vessel

character, temperament

vein, blood vessel

damar (resin)

resin (secretion of plants)

resin (viscous liquid of plant origin)

candlenut (Aleurites moluccanus)

Romanization of ꦢꦩꦂ

resin (secretion of plants)

resin (viscous liquid of plant origin)

resinous torch

oil lamp

passive singular present indicative conjunct of daimid


damar: hard resins.

damar (resin)

vein, blood vessel


muscle tissue

vein, blood vessel

Source: wiktionary.org