What is the meaning of Dong?

The currency of Vietnam, 100 xus. Symbol:

The currency of South Vietnam, 100 xus. Symbol: Đ.

The penis.

A dildo, specifically a synthetic anatomical replica of the penis.

A low-pitched, metallic ringing sound.

To make a low-pitched, metallic ringing sound.

A submunicipal administrative unit of a city in North or South Korea.


five (cardinal number)


Nonstandard spelling of dōng.

Nonstandard spelling of dǒng.

Nonstandard spelling of dòng.

Alternative form of donge (dung)

Short for dorang.


to solicit

to intercept

to hinder

to ask


to poke, to prick

dung, manure

dong, the currency of Vietnam

singular past indicative of dingen

to buzz, bumble, drone

to boom, rumble, thunder (to make a dull, low-pitched, reverberating sound when hit)

Nonstandard form of đồng (dong, the currency of Vietnam; usually used by thousands or higher denominations).

please: used to make a polite request

indicates a strong command

indicates discord between words and actions

The currency of Vietnam, 100 xus. Symbol:

dong (currency of Vietnam)

dong (currency)

dong (currency)

to drive; to escort

Phrynium placentarium

Source: wiktionary.org