What is the meaning of El?
ISO 639-1 language code for Greek.
The name of the Latin-script letter L/l.
An elevated railway, especially for specific systems such as the metro in Chicago (informal)
The cardinal number occurring after dek and before do in a duodecimal system. Written ↋, decimal value 11.
The (sometimes where "the" would not occur in normal English).
The name of the Cyrillic script letter Л / л
tract, region, district, province
the; definite article
neuter definite article used to make abstract nouns from adjectives; the; what, that which
him (direct object)
The name of the Latin-script letter L/l.
the; masculine singular definite article
Third person singular masculine nominative pronoun; he
he third-person singular masculine personal pronoun
the (definite article)
third-person singular present subjunctive of mynet
short form of elektrisitet, elektrisk, elektro-, used mainly in compound words. It is treated as a noun rather than a prefix, in the same manner as Swedish.
short form of elektrisitet, elektrisk, elektro-, used mainly in compound words. It is treated as a noun rather than a prefix, in the same manner as Swedish.
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Contraction of en le (“in the”).
first-person singular active present indicative of ala
Alternative form of eli (“to remember”)
a unit of length corresponding to about 69 cm: ell, cubit
made of
from (of)
it (impersonal pronoun, optative subject of impersonal verbs)
it (optatively, can introduce a question)
yes (used as an affirmative answer to a question containing a verb prefixed with el- or to emphasize a preceding statement, having the same value as the verb in question)
exit, exeunt; he/she leaves or they leave the scene or stage (stage direction for an actor or multiple actors)
first-person singular present indicative of ala
Apocopic form of elu; she, her
The name of the Latin-script letter L/l.
Archaic and regional form of il
to belong to
The name of the letter L.
The Latvian name of the Latin script letter L/l.
The name of the Latin-script letter l/L.
masculine singular definite article; the
feminine singular definite article used before nouns which start with a stressed /a/:
electricity, electric current or power; Contraction of elektricitet. or elektrisk
Short for el- och energiprogrammet.
the name of the Latin-script letter L/l, in the Filipino alphabet
round (stage of a sports competition)
round (individual ammunition shell)
a foreign person
the (used for all proper nouns and also foreign loanwords not yet assimilated into Volapük)
The name of the Latin-script letter L/l.
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing