What is the meaning of From?

Used to indicate source or provenance.

Originating at (a year, time, etc.)

Used to indicate a starting point or initial reference.

Indicating a starting point in time.

Indicating a starting point on a range or scale.

Indicating a starting point on an array or gamut of conceptual variations.

With reference to the location or position of a speaker or other observer or vantage point.

Indicates a starting state of the predicament of the subject. Synonym of since being

Indicating removal or separation.

Denoting a subtraction operation.

Indicating exclusion.

Indicating differentiation.

Produced with or out of (a substance or material).

Used to indicate causation; because of, as a result of.


Because of; on account of

pious, devout


Alternative form of faram (along with me, beside me; in addition to me; as good as me)


bold, firm, resolute

pious, godly, devout, religious

religious in a quiet and serious way, pious


Source: wiktionary.org