What is the meaning of Establishment?

The act or process of establishing; a ratifying or ordaining; settlement; confirmation.

The state of being established, founded, etc.; fixed state.

That which is established; as a form of government, a permanent organization, business or force, or the place where one is permanently fixed for residence.

The ruling class or authority group in a society; especially, an entrenched authority dedicated to preserving the status quo.

The number of staff required to run a department or organisation (often used in the context of healthcare and other public services).

The institution and official status of a church as a state church, especially that of the Church of England and historically of Ireland.

(the) establishment (the dominant forces in society, especially when devoted to preserving the status quo)

(the) establishment (entrenched power systems)

establishment, elite (ruling authority or class)

establishment (ruling class)

establishment (ruling authority)

establishment (the ruling class or authority group)

establishment (ruling authority)

establishment (ruling authority)

Source: wiktionary.org