What is the meaning of Federal?

Pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations.

Pertaining to the national government level in a federal nation, as opposed to state, provincial, county, city, or town.

Intrusive; airing out another's personal affairs.

a federal agent

  1. A law-enforcement official of the FBI
  2. A unionist soldier in the American Civil War.

A law-enforcement official of the FBI

A unionist soldier in the American Civil War.

A supporter of federation.


blackbird (any of various birds in the New World family Icteridae)





a federal law enforcement officer

  1. federal law enforcement officer belonging to the Mexican government
  2. federal law enforcement officer belonging to the United States

federal law enforcement officer belonging to the Mexican government

federal law enforcement officer belonging to the United States

the scarlet-headed blackbird, Amblyramphus holosericeus


Source: wiktionary.org