What is the meaning of Gran?

A grandmother.

A grandfather. (Can we add an example for this sense?)


Alternative form of grande, big

big, large


older; oldest, eldest, senior

great (very large)

great (important)

adults, grown-ups

wheat, corn


Apocopic form of grande (great)

grain, the seed of grass food crops

grain, seed, kernel, bean, a single seed of certain crops

grain, a single similar particle of various substances

grano, Spanish grain, a traditional unit of mass equivalent to about 50 mg

grain, any of various traditional units of mass notionally based on the weight of various grains

speck, ounce, any extremely small quantity or amount

pimple, blackhead, a blocked skin pore, especially with a painful and pus-filled inflamation

grain, the linear surface texture of various substances

Apocopic form of grande

large; great





spruce (mostly the species Picea abies (Norway spruce)).

spruce (wood from spruce trees)

spruce (mostly the species Picea abies (Norway spruce)).

spruce (wood from spruce trees)


big; large

big; large


grain (unit of weight)

Apocopic form of grande; great.

spruce (mostly the species Picea abies or Norway spruce, the species found most often in Sweden)

A Swedish grain at 0.297 mm; 10 of a nylinje (2.97 mm) or 10 skrupel (29.7 µm).

A Swedish grain at 61.85 mg, 1/20th of a skrupel (1.237 g).

Source: wiktionary.org