What is the meaning of Hag?
ISO 639-3 language code for Hanga.
A witch, sorceress, or enchantress; a female wizard.
An evil woman.
A woman over the age of 30 years.
A fury; a she-monster.
A hagfish; one of various eel-like fish of the family Myxinidae, allied to the lamprey, with a suctorial mouth, labial appendages, and a single pair of gill openings.
A hagdon or shearwater; one of various sea birds of the genus Puffinus.
An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a person's hair.
The fruit of the hagberry, Prunus padus.
A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or enclosed for felling, or which has been felled.
A marshy hollow, especially an area of peat lying lower than surrounding moorland, formed by erosion of a gully or cutting and often having steep edges.
To cut or erode (as) a hag (a hollow into moorland).
To harass; to weary with vexation.
imperative of hage
a stroke of an axe or similar instrument
the felling of timber; the quantity of wood felled
a quagmire from which peat or turf is cut
to chop (wood); to hack; to dig out (coal etc.)
to make a hash of (something)
to cut down trees and prepare timber
an ox
a cattleman, one who raises cattle or oxen
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