What is the meaning of Halo?

A circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere.

A cloud of gas and other matter surrounding and captured by the gravitational field of a large diffuse astronomical object, such as a galaxy or cluster of galaxies.

Anything resembling this band, such as an effect caused by imperfect developing of photographs.

nimbus, a luminous disc, often of gold, around or over the heads of saints, etc., in religious paintings.

The metaphorical aura of glory, veneration or sentiment which surrounds an idealized entity.

The bias caused by the halo effect.

a circular annulus ring, frequently luminous, often golden, floating above the head

A circular brace used to keep the head and neck in position.

A roll bar placed in front of the driver, used to protect the cockpit of an open cockpit racecar.

Short for halo headlight.

To encircle with a halo.

Quiet!; Be quiet!

a pestle




halo (atmospheric phenomenon)

halo (atmospheric phenomenon)


first-person singular present indicative of halar

a monitor lizard

a cowardly tattooed man

to mingle

halo (atmospheric phenomenon)

vocative singular of hala

halo (atmospheric phenomenon)


similar visual effect resulting from undesirable, roughly circular spots on an imperfectly developed photograph


Alternative form of hola

inflection of halkoa:

  1. present active indicative connegative
  2. second-person singular present imperative
  3. second-person singular present active imperative connegative

present active indicative connegative

second-person singular present imperative

second-person singular present active imperative connegative


Halo (atmospheric phenomenon)

Similar visual effect resulting from undesirable, roughly circular spots on an imperfectly developed photograph

first-person singular present indicative of halar

hall, very large room


to breathe

to emit, exhale, release

to be fragrant

Used to greet people; hello.

A circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere.

halo (circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon, etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere)

halo (cloud of gas and other matter surrounding and captured by the gravitational field of a large diffuse astronomical object, such as a galaxy or cluster of galaxies)

halo (luminous border in a photograph around shiny or reflective objects)

halo (metaphorical aura of glory, veneration, or sentiment which surrounds an idealized entity)

hello? (greeting used when answering the telephone)

hello? (call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening, or if a telephone conversation may have been disconnected)

publicity given to matters of little importance

vocative singular of hala

halo (atmospheric phenomenon)

halo (luminous disc around the heads of saints)


halo (atmospheric phenomenon)

(when answering the telephone) hello

halo (atmospheric phenomenon)

halo (nimbus around the head of a holy figure)

first-person singular present indicative of halar

halo (atmospheric phenomenon)

blend; mixture (things mixed together)

mix (substance added to a mixture)

mixing; act of mixing

mixed together


halo (circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon, etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere)


to do, to make

to build

Source: wiktionary.org