What is the meaning of Hippie?

A teenager who imitated the beatniks.

One who chooses not to conform to prevailing social norms: especially one who subscribes to values or actions such as acceptance or self-practice of recreational drug use, liberal or radical sexual mores, advocacy of communal living, strong pacifism or anti-war sentiment, etc.

A person who keeps an unkempt or sloppy appearance and has unusually long hair (for males), and is thus often stereotyped as a deadbeat.

Someone who dresses in a hippie style.

One who is hip.

Of or pertaining to hippies.

Not conforming to generally accepted standards.





a hippie or hippy

a hippie or hippy

hippie (member of a nonconformist subculture of the 1960s)


a hippie

Source: wiktionary.org