What is the meaning of Impotent?

Lacking physical strength or vigor; weak

Lacking in power, as to act effectively; helpless

Incapable of sexual intercourse, often because of an inability to achieve or sustain an erection, having impotentia coeundi


Lacking self-restraint

A man who has erectile dysfunction

An impotent or powerless person


impotent, powerless, helpless

impotent (lacking force or vigor)

impotent (sexually incapable)

infirm, disabled



impotent (incapable of sexual intercourse)

impotent (man who has erectile dysfunction)

impotent (person incapable of taking a particular type of action that the situation requires)


impotent (incapable of sexual intercourse due to being unable to get an erection or the like)

impotent (powerless)

Source: wiktionary.org