What is the meaning of Measure?

A prescribed quantity or extent.

  1. Moderation, temperance.
  2. A limit that cannot be exceeded; a bound. (Now chiefly in set phrases.)
  3. An (unspecified) portion or quantity.

Moderation, temperance.

A limit that cannot be exceeded; a bound. (Now chiefly in set phrases.)

An (unspecified) portion or quantity.

The act or result of measuring.

  1. A receptacle or vessel of a standard size, capacity etc. as used to deal out specific quantities of some substance.

    A receptacle or vessel of a standard size, capacity etc. as used to deal out specific quantities of some substance.

    A standard against which something can be judged; a criterion.

    Any of various standard units of capacity.

    A unit of measurement.

    The size of someone or something, as ascertained by measuring. (Now chiefly in make to measure.)

    The act or process of measuring.

    A ruler, measuring stick, or graduated tape used to take measurements.

    A bed or stratum.

    A number which is contained in a given number a number of times without a remainder; a divisor or factor.

    A function which obeys a particular set of formal conditions, created to generalize and rigorize the notions of length, volume, and probability. Formally, a non-negative, countably additive set function on a sigma-algebra; see Measure (mathematics) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia

    Metrical rhythm.

    1. A melody.
    2. A dance.
    3. The manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or long and short syllables; meter; rhythm; hence, a metrical foot.

      A melody.

      A dance.

      The manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or long and short syllables; meter; rhythm; hence, a metrical foot.

      A musical designation consisting of all notes and or rests delineated by two vertical bars; an equal and regular division of the whole of a composition; a bar.

      A course of action.

      1. Actions designed to achieve some purpose; plans.
      2. A piece of legislation.

      Actions designed to achieve some purpose; plans.

      A piece of legislation.

      To ascertain the quantity of a unit of material via calculated comparison with respect to a standard.

      To be of (a certain size), to have (a certain measurement)

      To estimate the unit size of something.

      To judge, value, or appraise.

      To obtain or set apart; to mark in even increments.

      To traverse, cross, pass along; to travel over.

      To adjust by a rule or standard.

      To allot or distribute by measure; to set off or apart by measure; often with.

      To regulate or control (one's actions, speech, etc.), as if one were carefully measuring their length or quantity.

      Source: wiktionary.org