What is the meaning of Volume?
A three-dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height. It is measured in units of cubic centimeters in metric, cubic inches or cubic feet in English measurement.
The issues of a periodical over a period of one year.
A bound book.
A single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia.
A great amount (of meaning) about something.
A roll or scroll, which was the form of ancient books.
A rounded mass or convolution.
The total supply of money in circulation or, less frequently, total amount of credit extended, within a specified national market or worldwide.
An accessible storage area with a single file system, typically resident on a single partition of a hard disk.
The total of weight worked by a muscle in one training session, the weight of every single repetition summed up.
A modular foothold attached to a climbing wall used for gripping, often in triangular, pyramidal, or angular shapes.
The sum of the degrees of a set of vertices.
To be conveyed through the air, waft.
To cause to move through the air, waft.
To swell.
volume (three-dimensional quantity of space)
volume (sound level)
volume, book (single book as an instalment in a series)
volume (of a book, a written work)
volume (sound)
volume (amount of space something takes up)
volume (amount; quantity)
an overly long piece of writing
volume (quantity of space)
volume (single book of a published work)
- A three-dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height.
- loudness: strength of sound.
- quantity
A three-dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height.
loudness: strength of sound.
A single book of a publication issued in multi-book format.
The issues of a periodical over a period of one year.
volume (clarification of this definition is needed)
volume, specifically a collection of written works
volume (unit of three-dimensional measure)
volume; loudness (strength of sound)
volume (issues of a periodical over a period of one year)
volume (individual book of a publication issued as a set of books)
volume (bound book)
Source: wiktionary.org
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