What is the meaning of North?

The direction towards the pole to the left-hand side of someone facing east, specifically 0°, or (on another celestial object) the direction towards the pole lying on the northern side of the invariable plane.

The up or positive direction.

The positive or north pole of a magnet, which seeks the magnetic pole near Earth's geographic North Pole (which, for its magnetic properties, is a south pole).

Alternative letter-case form of North (a northern region; the inhabitants thereof).

In a church: the direction to the left-hand side of a person facing the altar.

Of or pertaining to the north; northern.

Toward the north; northward.

Of wind, from the north.

Pertaining to the part of a corridor used by northbound traffic.

Designating, or situated in, the liturgical north (in a church, the direction to the left-hand side of a person facing the altar).

More or greater than.

Toward the north; northward; northerly.

To turn or move toward the north.


north, northernness

A location to the north; the north

The north wind

north, northern

At the north

To the north, northwards

From the north

In the north

Source: wiktionary.org