What is the meaning of Palate?

The roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates.

A part associated with the mouth of certain invertebrates, somewhat analogous to the palate of vertebrates.

The hypopharynx of an insect.

A projection in the throat of certain bilabiate flowers as the snapdragon.

The palate of an animal, as an item of food.

A person's ability to distinguish between and appreciate different flavors.

Mental relish; a liking or affinity for something.

Taste or flavour, especially with reference to wine or other alcoholic drinks.

A dainty article of food.

To relish; to find palatable.

plural of palata

inflection of palare:

  1. second-person plural present indicative
  2. second-person plural imperative

second-person plural present indicative

second-person plural imperative

feminine plural of palato

second-person plural present active imperative of pālō

The palate; the top of the mouth (including the uvula).

One's sense of taste (the palate was believed to be the source of this).

plural of palat

Source: wiktionary.org