What is the meaning of Produce?

To bring forth, to yield, make, manufacture, or otherwise generate.

To make or yield something.

To make (a thing) available to a person, an authority, etc.; to provide for inspection.

To sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc) to an audience or to the public.

To extend an area, or lengthen a line.

To draw out; to extend; to lengthen or prolong.

To alter using technology, as opposed to simply performing.

That which is produced.

Harvested agricultural goods collectively, especially vegetables and fruit, but possibly including eggs, dairy products and meat; the saleable food products of farms.


Livestock and pet food supplies.

inflection of producir:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

present of producer

imperative of producer

third-person singular present indicative of produrre

second-person singular present active imperative of prōdūcō

ablative singular of prōdux

to produce

inflection of producir:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

Source: wiktionary.org