What is the meaning of Rank?

The symbol for rank.

Strong; powerful; capable of acting or being used with great effect; energetic; vigorous; headstrong.

  1. Strong in growth; growing with vigour or rapidity, hence, coarse or gross.

    Strong in growth; growing with vigour or rapidity, hence, coarse or gross.

    Causing strong growth; producing luxuriantly; rich and fertile.

    Suffering from overgrowth or hypertrophy; plethoric.

    Strong to the senses; offensive; noisome.

    1. Having a very strong and bad taste or odor.

      Having a very strong and bad taste or odor.

      Gross, disgusting, foul.

      Headstrong; difficult to control.

      complete, unmitigated, utter.

      lustful; lascivious

      Quickly, eagerly, impetuously.

      A row of people or things organized in a grid pattern, often soldiers.

      One of the eight horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard (i.e., those identified by a number).

      In a pipe organ, a set of pipes of a certain quality for which each pipe corresponds to one key or pedal.

      One's position in a list sorted by a shared property such as physical location, population, popularity, or quality.

      The level of one's position in a class-based society.

      A category of people, such as those who share an occupation or belong to an organisation.

      A hierarchical level in an organization such as the military.

      A level in a scientific taxonomy system.

      The dimensionality of an array or tensor.

      The maximal number of linearly independent columns (or rows) of a matrix.

      The maximum quantity of D-linearly independent elements of a module (over an integral domain D).

      The size of any basis of a given matroid.

      To place abreast, or in a line.

      To have a ranking.

      To assign a suitable place in a class or order; to classify.

      To take rank of; to outrank.

      slender, svelte

      tendril, a thin winding stem

      name of various vines

      an object or ornamental pattern resembling a stem

      lithe, lissome

      singular imperative of ranken

      Source: wiktionary.org