What is the meaning of Ratio?

A number representing a comparison between two named things.

The relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient).

Short for ratio decidendi.

The number of comments to a post or other expression on social media relative to the number of likes; a high ratio suggests disagreement with the contents of the original post.

To respond to a post or message on social media in a greater number than the number of likes the post receives, especially to condemn or mock the original poster.

Indicates disagreement with a post the user disagrees with or dislikes.

ratio, proportion



reason, motive


reason, reasoning, explanation, ground, motive, rationality, rationale, purpose

calculation, account, accounting, reckoning, computation, business

procedure, course, manner, method, mode, conduct, plan

theory, view

doctrine, system, philosophy (collective body of the teachings of a school of thought)

view, opinion, advice, consult

register (list)

regard, respect, interest, consideration

reference, relation, respect


Source: wiktionary.org