What is the meaning of Real?
True, genuine, not merely nominal or apparent.
Genuine, not artificial, counterfeit, or fake.
Actually being, existing, or occurring; not fictitious or imaginary.
That has objective, physical existence.
Having been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation; measured in purchasing power .
Relating to the result of the actions of rational agents; relating to neoclassical economic models as opposed to Keynesian models.
Being either a rational number, or the limit of a convergent infinite sequence of rational numbers: being one of a set of numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line.
Relating to immovable tangible property.
Signifying meritorious qualities or actions, especially with regard to genuineness, groundedness, and true success rather than poser imitations of success.
Firm through directness, readiness to confront.
One of the three genders that the common gender can be separated into in the Scandinavian languages.
A real number.
A realist.
Former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies.
A coin worth one real.
A unit of currency used in Portugal and its colonies from 1430 until 1911, and in Brazil from 1790 until 1942.
A coin worth one real.
A unit of currency used in Brazil since 1994. Symbol: R$.
A coin worth one real.
real (currency of Brazil)
real (true, genuine)
real (that has physical existence)
real (former unit of currency of Spain)
real (unit of currency used in Brazil)
real (actually being, existing)
real (that has physical existence)
real, realistic (pertaining to reality)
real-world, practical, particularly concerned with actual things as opposed to words or ideas
real (not nominal), measured in purchasing power
concerning possessions
Alternative form of ryal
Alternative form of ryal
Alternative form of ryal
Alternative form of royal
the real, monetary unit of Brazil
the real, monetary unit of Brazil
a real, one of the former units of currency and coins used in Spain, Portugal and their colonies
short for realskuleklasse
royal; Alternative form of roial
real (former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies)
real (former unit of currency of Portugal and Brazil)
real (currency of Brazil)
reality, real life, real world (physical reality as opposed to virtual reality)
that has physical existence; real
being a member of the set of real numbers; real
truth (conformity to fact or reality)
having the air or demeanour of a monarch; regal
a former currency of Portugal and its colonies
a former Spanish currency
the current Brazilian currency
real (unit of currency)
a quarter of a peseta
objective, real, pertaining to real and physical objects
Clipping of realskola.
Clipping of realskoleexamen.
real (currency of Brazil and formerly Portugal)
real (unit of currency)
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing