What is the meaning of Riot?

A tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by a large group of people, often involving violence or damage to property.

A wide and unconstrained variety.

A humorous or entertaining event or person.

Wanton or unrestrained behavior or emotion.

Excessive and expensive feasting; wild and loose festivity; revelry.

To create or take part in a riot; to raise an uproar or sedition.

To act in an unrestrained or wanton manner; to indulge in excess of feasting, luxury, etc.

To cause to riot; to throw into a tumult.

To annoy.

second-person singular of re

A riot or uprising; a disturbance of the peace.

Riotousness, disturbance; lack of peaceableness.

Debauched living; dissipation or decadence:

  1. An instance of debauchery or decadence.
  2. Excessive and wild feasting or festivity; revelry.

An instance of debauchery or decadence.

Excessive and wild feasting or festivity; revelry.

A situation where a hound is misled by scents other than the quarry.

A folk proverb.

A group of decadent individuals.

Alternative form of rioten

second-person singular of re

Source: wiktionary.org