What is the meaning of Sanguine?

Having the colour of blood; blood red.

Having a bodily constitution characterised by a preponderance of blood over the other bodily humours, thought to be marked by irresponsible mirth; indulgent in pleasure to the exclusion of important matters.

Characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood.

Warm; ardent.

Anticipating the best; optimistic; confident; full of hope.

Full of blood; bloody.


Blood colour; red.

Anything of a blood-red colour, as cloth.

A tincture, seldom used, of a blood-red colour (not to be confused with murrey).


Red crayon.

To stain with blood; to impart the colour of blood to; to ensanguine.

a tincture, seldom used, of a blood-red colour (not to be confused with murrey, which is mûre in French)

feminine singular of sanguin


Synonym of sanguinella (common dogwood)

a common dogwood plant

ablative singular of sanguis

Having a bloody-red hue; coloured in sanguine or a similar colour.

Under the influence of blood as a cardinal humour (inherently or in the current case)

Due to the influence or presence of a dangerous profusion of blood.

Made of or created from blood (as a humour); bloody.

A bloody red colour; sanguine or blood red.

A kind of fabric that is sanguine-coloured or the colour of blood.

Blood as one of the four cardinal humours believed to influence health and mood.

A swollen region or edema attributed to an excess of blood.

A person primarily under the influence of blood as a cardinal humour.

Source: wiktionary.org