What is the meaning of Spoiler?
One who spoils; a plunderer; a pillager; a robber; a despoiler.
One who corrupts, mars, or renders useless.
A document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story, or the internal rules controlling the behaviour of a video game, etc.
A device to reduce lift and increase drag.
A device to reduce lift and increase downforce.
A competitor, unable to win himself, who spoils the chances of another’s victory.
To mark (a document or message) with a spoiler warning, to prevent readers from accidentally learning details they would prefer not to know.
To tell (a person) details of how a story ends etc.
A device to reduce lift and increase drag.
A device to reduce lift and increase downforce.
spoiler (something that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story)
to spoil
spoiler (document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story)
aft extension of the hull, increasing the floating length and reducing drag
articulated rear part of the upper of a ski or other sports boot
plastic device attached to the front of downhill skis to prevent vibration or crossing
spoiler (device to reduce lift and increase drag)
spoiler (device to reduce lift and increase downforce)
spoiler (document, review, or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story, or the internal rules controlling the behaviour of a video game, etc.)
spoiler (document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story)
spoiler (device to reduce lift and increase drag)
spoiler (device to reduce lift and increase downforce)
spoiler (a device to reduce lift and increase drag)
spoiler (a device to reduce lift and increase downforce)
spoiler (document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story)
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing