What is the meaning of Stadium?

A venue where sporting events are held.

An Ancient Greek racecourse, especially, the Olympic course for foot races.

Synonym of stadion, a Greek unit of length equivalent to about 185 m.

A kind of telemeter for measuring the distance of an object of known dimensions, by observing the angle it subtends.

A graduated rod used to measure the distance of the place where it stands from an instrument having a telescope, by observing the number of the graduations of the rod that are seen between certain parallel wires (stadia wires) in the field of view of the telescope.

A life stage of an organism.

stage, phase

a stage; a phase

a stadium

stadium: a life stage of an organism

stage; phase

stade (distance of 125 paces)

racecourse (athletics)

stadium (venue where sporting events are held)

a stage (of a process or development)

a stage (of a process or development)

stage, phase

a stage, a phase (delimited part of something that happens)

Source: wiktionary.org