What is the meaning of Sur?
Alternative form of sudur
whirr (a sibilant buzz or vibration from insect wings)
sour (having an acid, sharp or tangy taste)
surly, cross, annoyed, sulky, sore
onto [with accusative]
in the case of
in (a place)
the southern portion of a territory or region
a southern; a wind blowing from the south
Alternative form of su used before words beginning with u (especially indefinite articles)
Romanization of ꦱꦸꦂ
Alternative form of sure
sour (e.g. the characteristic taste of a lemon)
cold, unpleasant (often about weather)
bad-tempered, annoyed, in a foul mood
used about old socks which are smelling bad
Alternative form of seur
Romanization of 𒋩 (sur)
glum, stern, scowling, sullen (of person's face or mood)
sour (having the characteristic taste of for example a lemon or vinegar)
sour (rancid)
bad, sour (of a feeling or the like)
wet, damp (of something that should be dry)
south (compass point)
city wall
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing