What is the meaning of Tok?
ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Toki Pona.
to cut or hit meat to mince it or make meatballs
to hit (or handshake) someone's hand to greet them, toast someone by clinking glasses
particle used to express actions in the past.
we (first-person plural pronoun)
sturgeon (a type of fish)
current (part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction)
-rrhea (excessive flow)
Synonym of koryto
- water trough (trough for giving water to cattle and horses)
water trough (trough for giving water to cattle and horses)
toque (type of hat)
spatial movement (as opposed to temporal movement, compare tijȇk)
crazy person, fool, wacko (stupid and/or crazy (and silly) person)
shrubby cinquefoil (short form of ölandstok)
message; news; speech; announcement
Source: wiktionary.org
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