What is the meaning of Touch?
Primarily physical senses.
- To make physical contact with; to bring the hand, finger or other part of the body into contact with.
To make physical contact with; to bring the hand, finger or other part of the body into contact with.
To come into (involuntary) contact with; to meet or intersect.
To come into physical contact, or to be in physical contact.
To make physical contact with a thing.
To physically disturb; to interfere with, molest, or attempt to harm through contact.
To make intimate physical contact with a person.
To sexually excite with the fingers; to finger or masturbate.
To cause to be briefly in contact with something.
To physically affect in specific ways implied by context.
To begin to consume, or otherwise use.
Of a ship or its passengers: to land, to make a short stop (at).
To lay hands on (someone suffering from scrofula) as a form of cure, as formerly practised by English and French monarchs.
To fasten; to take effect; to make impression.
To bring (a sail) so close to the wind that its weather leech shakes.
To be brought, as a sail, so close to the wind that its weather leech shakes.
To keep the ship as near (the wind) as possible.
Primarily non-physical senses.
- To imbue or endow with a specific quality.
To imbue or endow with a specific quality.
To deal with in speech or writing; to mention briefly, to allude to.
To deal with in speech or writing; briefly to speak or write (on or upon something).
To concern, to have to do with.
To affect emotionally; to bring about tender or painful feelings in.
To affect in a negative way, especially only slightly.
To give royal assent to by touching it with the sceptre.
To obtain money from, usually by borrowing (from a friend).
To disturb the mental functions of; to make somewhat insane; often followed with "in the head".
To be on the level of; to approach in excellence or quality.
To come close to; to approach.
To mark (a file or document) as having been modified.
To try; to prove, as with a touchstone.
To mark or delineate with touches; to add a slight stroke to with the pencil or brush.
To infect; to affect slightly.
To strike; to manipulate; to play on.
To perform, as a tune; to play.
To influence by impulse; to impel forcibly.
An act of touching, especially with the hand or finger.
The faculty or sense of perception by physical contact.
The style or technique with which one plays a musical instrument.
The particular or characteristic mode of action, or the resistance of the keys of an instrument to the fingers.
A distinguishing feature or characteristic.
A little bit; a small amount.
The part of a sports field beyond the touchlines or goal-lines.
A relationship of close communication or understanding.
The ability to perform a task well; aptitude.
Act or power of exciting emotion.
Personal reference or application.
A single stroke on a drawing or a picture.
A touchstone; hence, stone of the sort used for touchstone.
Examination or trial by some decisive standard; test; proof; tried quality.
The broadest part of a plank worked top and but, or of one worked anchor-stock fashion (that is, tapered from the middle to both ends); also, the angles of the stern timbers at the counters.
The children's game of tag.
A set of changes less than the total possible on seven bells, i.e. less than 5,040.
An act of borrowing or stealing something; a request for money.
The extent to which a person is interested or affected; the amount of outlay on something.
Form; standard of performance.
A disposal of the ball during a game, i.e. a kick or a handball.
touch football (a variant of rugby league that does not involve tackling)
being touch screen
being touch screen
Source: wiktionary.org
- To imbue or endow with a specific quality.
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