What is the meaning of Wart?

A type of deformed growth occurring on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Any similar growth occurring in plants or animals, such as the parotoid glands in the back of toads.

Anything unsightly or undesirable; a blemish.

Any of the prefixes used in Hungarian notation.

second-person plural preterite of sein

singular imperative of warten

first-person singular present of warten

first/third-person singular past indicative of werden

Alternative form of warte

first/third-person singular past indicative of wërden

the main current of a river

worth (having a value of; proper to be exchanged for)

worth, worthy (deserving)

price, worth, value

genitive plural of warta

wart (painful growth in the skin)

third-person present singular of warre

Source: wiktionary.org