What is the meaning of ?

The hiragana syllable (do). Its equivalent in katakana is (do).


: degree, extent

: the third of the Eight Principles of Yong

: indeterminate prefix, used to form question words such as 何れ (dore, which, literally which one) or 何処 (doko, where, literally what place)

: degree of an angle; degree in temperature; number of times; percentage of alcohol concentration

Attaches to the verb stem, specifically the stem form ending in -e for type 1 verbs. This verb stem is called the 仮定形 (kateikei, hypothetical form) in Modern Japanese, and the 已然形 (izenkei, realis form) in Classical Japanese. Used to express the contrasting hypothetical condition conjunction: even if, even when

Attaches to the verb stem, specifically the stem form ending in -e for type 1 verbs. This verb stem is called the 仮定形 (kateikei, hypothetical form) in Modern Japanese, and the 已然形 (izenkei, realis form) in Classical Japanese. Used to indicate something is the case irrespective of something else: even though, even as

Source: wiktionary.org