What is the meaning of Amok?

Out of control, especially when armed and dangerous.

In a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree; berserk.

One who runs amok; in Malay and Moro/Philippine culture, one who attempts to kill many others, especially expecting that they will be killed themselves.

The act of running amok.

Synonym of run amok

A kind of Southeast Asian curry steamed in banana leaves that native to Cambodia.

to run amok

one who runs amok

a surf; waves that break on an ocean shoreline

condition of amok behaving

Out of control, especially when armed and dangerous.

In a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree; berserk.

a murderous frenzy, a killing spree in Malay culture

one who runs amok, someone who is on such a killing spree

uproar, riot, noise

amok (one who runs amok)



art, artifice, craft

amok, frenzy (act of behaving disruptively or uncontrollably)

amok, killing frenzy (act of going on a killing spree)

frenzy, mania (violent derangement)

Condition of amok behaving.

amok (out-of-control, frenzied rage)

Source: wiktionary.org