What is the meaning of Augur?

A diviner who foretells events by the behaviour of birds or other animals, or by signs derived from celestial phenomena, or unusual occurrences.

An official who interpreted omens before the start of public events.

To foretell events; to exhibit signs of future events; to indicate a favorable or an unfavorable outcome.

augur (priest, diviner, or soothsayer, one who foretold the future in part by interpreting the song and flight of birds)

Alternative form of nauger

an augur, see English augur for more.

a chief, bigwig

an augur, see English augur for more.

a chief, bigwig

augur (a diviner)

augur (an official who interpreted omens before the start of public events)

augur, auspex

augury, omen



Source: wiktionary.org