What is the meaning of Official?
Of or about an office or public trust.
Derived from the proper office or officer, or the appropriate authority; made or communicated by authority
Approved by authority; authorized.
(Of a statement) Dubious but recognized by authorities as the truth or canon.
Sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia; appointed to be used in medicine; officinal.
Discharging an office or function.
Relating to an office, especially a subordinate executive officer or attendant.
Relating to an ecclesiastical judge appointed by a bishop, chapter, archdeacon, etc., with charge of the spiritual jurisdiction.
Listed in a national pharmacopeia.
An office holder, a person holding an official position in government, sports, or other organization.
An underling of a member of the clergy, often heading a clerical court.
A hireling or subordinate; one employed to serve, especially at an estate.
Functional; serving a purpose.
Requisite or mandatory for a task.
official; certified or permitted by an authoritative source
Pre-reform spelling (used until 1943 in Brazil and 1911 in Portugal) of oficial.
Pre-reform spelling (used until 1943 in Brazil and 1911 in Portugal) of oficial.
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing