What is the meaning of Bureau?

An administrative unit of government; office.

An organization or office for collecting or providing information or news.

An office (room where clerical or professional duties are performed).

A desk, usually with a cover and compartments that are located above the level of the writing surface rather than underneath, and often used for storing papers.

A chest of drawers for clothes.



office, office building (especially office buildings for writing and publishing journalism and literature, or the police station as a building)

agency (government organisation, such as a police station: "politiebureau"; a scientific or humanities research institute: "onderzoeksbureau"; political party think tank: "wetenschappelijk bureau")

company (in design, engineering, journalism, communications, marketing, market/opinion research), agency (doing business for another, such as an advertising agency: "reclamebureau"; a news agency: "persbureau")


office (room)

ticket office

the staff of an office

office; an administrative unit

frieze (coarse woolen cloth)

desktop (on-screen background)

Source: wiktionary.org