What is the meaning of Office?

A ceremonial duty or service, particularly:

  1. The authorized form of ceremonial worship of a church.
  2. Any special liturgy, as the Office for the Dead or of the Virgin.
  3. A daily service without the eucharist.
  4. The daily service of the breviary, the liturgy for each canonical hour, including psalms, collects, and lessons.

    The authorized form of ceremonial worship of a church.

    Any special liturgy, as the Office for the Dead or of the Virgin.

    A daily service without the eucharist.

    The daily service of the breviary, the liturgy for each canonical hour, including psalms, collects, and lessons.

    Various prayers used with modification as a morning or evening service.

    Last rites.

    Mass, the introit sung at its beginning.

    A position of responsibility.

    Official position, particularly high employment within government; tenure in such a position.

    A duty, particularly owing to one's position or station; a charge, trust, or role; moral duty.

    Function: anything typically done by or expected of something.

    A service, a kindness.

    Inside information.

    A room, set of rooms, or building used for non-manual work, particularly:

    A room, set of rooms, or building used for administration and bookkeeping.

    A room, set of rooms, or building used for selling services or tickets to the public.

    A room, set of rooms, or building used for consultation and diagnosis, but not surgery or other major procedures.

    The staff of such places.

    The administrative departments housed in such places, particularly:

    A ministry or other department of government.

    Short for Holy Office: the court of final appeal in cases of heresy.

    A particular place of business of a larger white-collar business.

    The parts of a house or estate devoted to manual work and storage, as the kitchen, scullery, laundry, stables, etc., particularly a house or estate's facilities for urination and defecation: outhouses or lavatories.

    Clipping of inquest of office:

    A piece of land used for hunting; the area of land overseen by a gamekeeper.

    A hangout: a place where one is normally found.

    A plane's cockpit, particularly an observer's cockpit.

    A collection of business software typically including a word processor and spreadsheet and slideshow programs.

    An official or group of officials; a personification of officeholders.

    A bodily function, urination and defecation; an act of urination or defecation.

    The performance of a duty; an instance of performing a duty.

    To provide (someone) with an office.

    To have an office.

    charge, task, mandate

    administrative bureau, department

    religious service, notably liturgical office

    pantry, room adjoining a kitchen where dishes, table linens, and provisions are kept

    place where a household's table (food and drink)-related services are conducted, especially by domestic staff

    second-person singular present active imperative of officiƍ

    ablative singular of offex

    The state of being employed or having a work or job; employment:

    1. Ecclesiastical or religious work; a church career.
    2. Unskilled work; any work that is unimportant or base.

    Ecclesiastical or religious work; a church career.

    Unskilled work; any work that is unimportant or base.

    A position of responsibility or control; a crucial occupation:

    1. A clerical or church post or position; a religious office.
    2. A governmental or administrative position or post; a political office.
    3. The situation, status, or rank one has in the wider world or within society.

    A clerical or church post or position; a religious office.

    A governmental or administrative position or post; a political office.

    The situation, status, or rank one has in the wider world or within society.

    A task, chore or assignment, especially one which is important or required; an obligation:

    1. The role, purpose, or intended use or utility of something (especially a bodily part).
    2. A task or function that one organ does to assist another or the body as a whole.
    3. A religious ceremony or ritual; a task performed for religious reasons.
    4. The beginning or the initial portion of the Eucharist.
    5. A core human faculty (e.g. movement, talking, literacy)

    The role, purpose, or intended use or utility of something (especially a bodily part).

    A task or function that one organ does to assist another or the body as a whole.

    A religious ceremony or ritual; a task performed for religious reasons.

    The beginning or the initial portion of the Eucharist.

    A core human faculty (e.g. movement, talking, literacy)

    A part, faculty, or division of a larger body:

    1. A part of a house or estate devoted to manual work and storage.
    2. A part or subdivision of an estate devoted to a specified function.
    3. A part or subdivision of a government devoted to a specified function.

    A part of a house or estate devoted to manual work and storage.

    A part or subdivision of an estate devoted to a specified function.

    A part or subdivision of a government devoted to a specified function.

    An inquest undertaken to investigate the possession of land or property.

    The intended or ideal working or operation of something.

    An officeholder invested with powers and authority.

    A building or structure used for business purposes; an office.

    The process or undertaking of a task or assignment.

    The activities typical of and concomitant to one's place in society.

    A favour; a beneficial deed or act.

    Alternative form of officen

    office (building; room)

    office (position, role, job)



    Source: wiktionary.org