What is the meaning of Fon?
ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Fon.
A chieftain or king of a region of Cameroon.
inflection of fondre:
third-person singular present indicative
second-person singular imperative
third-person singular preterite indicative of ésser
first-person singular preterite indicative of ésser
first-person singular present indicative of fonar
Romanization of 𐍆𐍉𐌽
Alternative form of fonnen
Alternative form of fonne
Alternative form of fonne
(with tō) to take what is given, receive or accept what is offered
(with tō) to conquer, take over
Univerbation of fo (“under”) + in (“the ”)
Alternative form of fan
of (belonging to)
to spin (to make thread by twisting fibers)
to weave
to weave something (into something -ba/-be)
to braid, plait (to interweave three or more strands, strips)
to twist (rope)
to twine (arms)
phone, a speech segment that possesses distinct physical or perceptual properties, considered as a physical event without regard to its place in the phonology of a language
foehn, a warm dry wind blowing down the north sides of the Alps, especially in Switzerland, and similar warm dry wind developing on the lee side of a mountain
phon (logarithmic unit of loudness level for tones and complex sounds)
the first layer that lays the foundation for the painting
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