What is the meaning of Fondant?

A flavored, creamy sugar preparation, used for icing cakes or as a base for candies.

A candy or cake filled with such a preparation.

A sugar dough, usually prepared as large sheets (rolled fondant), used in place of icing to cover large areas of cakes, composed of sugar, water, gelatin, glycerine.


The base or flux, in enamel, which is colored throughout by metallic oxide while in a state of fusion.

Facial makeup (cosmetics), when used excessively.

fondant (sugary substance)

dark chocolate

Synonym of fondantti

present participle of fonder

present participle of fondre


melt in the mouth

stooping, as for prey; describes an eagle, falcon, etc. flying downward

fondant (all senses)


fondant (confectionery)

Source: wiktionary.org