What is the meaning of Literal?

Exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation; according to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical, and etymonic rather than idiomatic.

Following the letter or exact words; not free; not taking liberties

That which generally assumes that the plainest reading of a given scripture is correct but which allows for metaphor where context indicates it; following the historical-grammatical method of biblical interpretation

Consisting of, or expressed by, letters (of an alphabet); using literation.

Unimaginative; matter-of-fact

Used non-literally as an intensifier; see literally for usage notes.

Misspelling of littoral.

A misprint (or occasionally a scribal error) that affects a letter.

A value, as opposed to an identifier, written into the source code of a computer program.

A propositional variable or the negation of a propositional variable.

Misspelling of littoral.




Synonym of harfiah

literal (exactly as stated)

literal (relating to or composed of letters)

literal (understood exactly as written, without additional interpretation)

(Can we verify this sense?) literal (value written in the source code)

literally!”; “it’s just like you say!” (used to express ecstatic agreement with something)



literally, really, truly

literal (exactly as stated)

Source: wiktionary.org