What is the meaning of Lo?
ISO 639-1 language code for Lao.
Informal spelling of low.
Clipping of hello.
Alternative form of lol
Sentence-final particle denoting finality or completion.
it (third-person singular neuter direct pronoun)
him (direct object)
the (definite article)
Alternative form of lop (“wolf”)
Alternative form of lèc (“lake”)
to go
to come
Alternative form of dolo (“water; body of water; tear”)
Hanyu Pinyin reading of 咯
Nonstandard spelling of lō.
woollen hairs that shed off knitted or woven fabrics
any of various birds of the family Charadriidae, the plovers and dotterels
a harvested (especially grain), that has been cut but not threshed
a grain harvest
Used in placenames: meadow
part of a vessel whose side faces the wind
located or situated on the windy side
a nail header (used by a blacksmith in production of iron nails)
imperative of loa and loe
Alternative form of le; masculine singular oblique definite article
Alternative form of le; masculine singular object pronoun
Alternative form of o
the; masculine singular definite article
accusative of el
accusative of ello
neuter definite article used only before nominalized adjectives: the; that (which is)
that agr: distal mascunline singular pronoun
he distal mascunline pronoun
this; class 1 proximal demonstrative.
this; class 3 proximal demonstrative.
to row
row (a line of objects of people)
multitude, a great amount or number
herd, pack, a (a group of animals)
forms composite numbers
matrilineal clan within a Maroon tribe
The name of the Latin-script letter L/l.
Alternative form of o (“the”, masculine singular)
referring to a previous sentence or phrase, i.e. a fact rather than an object; it, the
Second-person singular pronoun: you, your, yours
Alternative spelling of loh.
Alternative spelling of loh.
the form of il that is used before the so-called impure consonants, that is, s+consonant (impure s), gn, pn, ps, x, y, or z, and before i+vocal; before a vowel it becomes l'; the
accusative of el
neuter definite article used only before nominalized adjectives: the; that (which is)
Alternative form of elo
Alternative form of 'o
the; masculine singular definite article
shall; will; indicates the future tense of a verb.
Alternative form of dla (“for”)
Alternative form of o (third-person masculine singular objective pronoun) used as an enclitic and mesoclitic following a verb form ending in a consonant (-z, -r and -s, but not -m); the consonant is elided and the preceding vowel takes an accent if necessary
accusative of él, ello, and usted (when referring to a man); him, it, you (formal)
impersonal neuter pronoun clitic of ello; it, that
Not used with con; conmigo, contigo, and consigo are used instead, respectively
Like other masculine Spanish words, masculine Spanish pronouns can be used when the gender of the subject is unknown or when the subject is plural and of mixed gender.
Treated as if it were third-person for purposes of conjugation and reflexivity
If le or les precedes lo, la, los, or las in a clause, it is replaced with se (e.g., Se lo dije instead of Le lo dije)
Depending on the implicit gender of the object being referred to
Used primarily in Spain
Used only in rare circumstances
neuter definite article used only before nominalized adjectives: the, that which is
An intensifier put at the end of a sentence.
Soft mutation of llo.
Soft mutation of glo.
this; class 1 proximal demonstrative.
this; class 3 proximal demonstrative.
Combining stem of lona.
to become parboiled (specifically relating to yam tubers in the process of making yam flour, èlùbọ́)
to become bendable or flexible
to lose interest in something; to become disheartened
Used at the end of a sentence to indicate a change of state or a new situation.
Used at the end of a sentence to express affirmation or conclusiveness.
this; class 1 proximal demonstrative.
this; class 3 proximal demonstrative.
Combining stem of lona.
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing