What is the meaning of Natural?

Existing in nature.

  1. Existing in the nature of a person or thing; innate, not acquired or learned.
  2. Normally associated with a particular person or thing; inherently related to the nature of a thing or creature.

    Existing in the nature of a person or thing; innate, not acquired or learned.

    Normally associated with a particular person or thing; inherently related to the nature of a thing or creature.

    As expected; reasonable, normal; naturally arising from the given circumstances.

    Formed by nature; not manufactured or created by artificial processes.

    Pertaining to death brought about by disease or old age, rather than by violence, accident etc.

    Having an innate ability to fill a given role or profession, or display a specified character.

    1. Designating a standard trigonometric function of an angle, as opposed to the logarithmic function.
    2. Closed under submodules, direct sums, and injective hulls.

    Designating a standard trigonometric function of an angle, as opposed to the logarithmic function.

    Closed under submodules, direct sums, and injective hulls.

    Neither sharp nor flat. Denoted .

    Containing no artificial or man-made additives; especially (of food) containing no colourings, flavourings or preservatives.

    Pertaining to a decoration that preserves or enhances the appearance of the original material; not stained or artificially coloured.

    Pertaining to a fabric still in its undyed state, or to the colour of undyed fabric.

    Pertaining to a dice roll before bonuses or penalties have been applied to the result.

    Not having used anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs.

    Bidding in an intuitive way that reflects one's actual hand.

    Pertaining to birth or descent; native.

    1. Having a given status (especially of authority) by virtue of birth.
    2. Related genetically but not legally to one's father; born out of wedlock, illegitimate.
    3. Related by birth; genetically related.

    Having a given status (especially of authority) by virtue of birth.

    Related genetically but not legally to one's father; born out of wedlock, illegitimate.

    Related by birth; genetically related.

    A native inhabitant of a place, country etc.

    A note that is not or is no longer to be modified by an accidental.

    The symbol used to indicate such a natural note.

    One with an innate talent at or for something.

    An almost white colour, with tints of grey, yellow or brown; originally that of natural fabric.

    One with a simple mind; a fool or idiot.

    One's life.

    A hairstyle for people with Afro-textured hair in which the hair is not straightened or otherwise treated.

    A breast which has not been modified by plastic surgery.

    Someone who has not used anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing substances.

    A roll of two dice with a score of 7 or 11 on the comeout roll.

    Naturally; in a natural manner.



    native, natural (person who is native to a place)

    nature (innate characteristics of a person)


    native, natural

    nature (innate characteristics of a person)


    1. of or relating to nature

      of or relating to nature

      formed by nature; not manufactured or created by artificial processes

      pertaining to a decoration that preserves or enhances the appearance of the original material; not stained or artificially coloured


      natural: the symbol ♮ used to indicate such a natural note.


      natural disposition

      intrinsic, fundamental, basic; relating to natural law.

      natural (preexisting; present or due to nature):

      1. usual, regular (i.e. as found in nature)
      2. well; in good heath or condition.
      3. inherited; due to one's lineage.
      4. inborn; due to one's natural reasoning (rather than a deity's intervention)

      usual, regular (i.e. as found in nature)

      well; in good heath or condition.

      inherited; due to one's lineage.

      inborn; due to one's natural reasoning (rather than a deity's intervention)

      Nourishing; healthful or beneficial to one's body.

      Misbegotten; conceived outside of marriage

      Correct, right, fitting.

      Diligent in performing one's societal obligations.

      Endemic, indigenous.

      Bodily; relating to one's human form.


      native (belonging to one by birth)

      natural, normal (as expected)


      kin (related by blood)

      native (person who is native to a place)

      countryman, countrywoman (somebody from one's own country)



      native of, from

      room-temperature (of liquids)


      natural (of or relating to nature)

      native; indigenous

      natural, plain (without artificial additives)

      natural (as expected; reasonable)

      Said about the lord that he has vassals, or that by his lineage, he has a right to lordship, even though he was not of the land.

      being a calendar day

      natural (neither sharp nor flat)

      illegitimate (born to unmarried parents)

      room-temperature (neither heated nor chilled)

      Said about the pass of the red flag with the left hand without the sword

      native; indigenous (as called by the native Amerindians of Ecuador about themselves)

      of indigenous parentage on both parents (unlike a mestizo)

      a native; a local; an indigenous person

      the pass of the red flag with the left hand without the sword

      nature (genius, character, temperament, complexion, inclination of each)

      instinct or inclination of irrational animals

      a real model that an artist reproduces in his work

      homeland; birthplace

      naturalist; physicist; astrologer (a person who studies nature or natural history)


      obviously; naturally

      Source: wiktionary.org