What is the meaning of Long?
Having much distance in space from one end to the other.
Specifically, having much distance in a horizontal dimension (see also Usage Notes below).
Travelling a great distance.
Having a long penis.
Travelling or extending too great a distance in space.
- Passing or landing ahead of or beyond the intended target or location.
Passing or landing ahead of or beyond the intended target or location.
Going beyond the intended target.
Having great duration.
Seeming to last a lot of time, due to being boring, tedious, tiring, irksome, etc.
Possessing or owning stocks, bonds, commodities, or other financial instruments with the aim of benefiting from an expected rise in their value.
Of a fielding position, close to the boundary (or closer to the boundary than the equivalent short position).
Of betting odds, offering a very large return for a small wager.
Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away.
In great supply; abundant.
Clipping of taking a long time.
A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve.
A long integer variable, twice the size of an int, two or four times the size of a short, and half of a long long.
An entity with a long position in an asset; for example, a trader or investor possessing an amount of a company's shares.
A long-maturity security, such as a ten- or twenty-year bond.
Clipping of long vacation (“summer vacation”).
To take a long position in.
Over a great distance in space.
Over too great a distance, beyond the target.
For a particular duration.
For a long time.
For a long time.
A long time .
To await, aspire, desire greatly (something to occur or to be true).
To be appropriate to, to pertain or belong to.
To belong.
comitative case marker
benefactive case marker
ablative case marker
For a lengthy duration .
Nonstandard spelling of lōng.
Nonstandard spelling of lóng.
Nonstandard spelling of lǒng.
Nonstandard spelling of lòng.
Elongated; with a length exceeding its width.
Long-lasting, lengthy; having great duration:
Distant or remote in time or (rarely) space.
Due to, dependent upon, attributable to.
Eternal, perpetual; without end.
Alternative form of lang
long (length, duration)
Alternative form of lhaung
large firecracker
Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the manner of, where English would use to, toward, into, or onto
Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the location of, where English would use in, at, on, or near
Used to mark indirect objects, or direct objects of intransitive verbs, where English would use to
Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the manner opposite of, extracted from, or away from, where English would use from or out of
Used to mark temporal direct objects in which a condition lasts for a certain duration of time, where English would use for
Used to mark a verb whose subject is the direct object of another verb, where English would use to or from
Soft mutation of llong.
Source: wiktionary.org
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