What is the meaning of Rector?

In the Anglican Church, a cleric in charge of a parish and who owns the tithes of it.

In the Roman Catholic Church, a cleric with managerial as well as spiritual responsibility for a church or other institution.

A priest or bishop in the Orthodox Church who is in charge of a parish or in an administrative leadership position in a theological seminary or academy.

In a Protestant church, a pastor in charge of a church with administrative and pastoral leadership combined.

A headmaster or headmistress in various educational institutions, e.g., a university.

An official in Scottish universities who heads the university court and is elected by and represents the student body.


guiding, regulating, directing



ruler, director, head


guide, leader

driver (of a horse, an elephant, a wagon, etc.)

director, ruler, master, governor

tutor, instructor, teacher, mentor

rector (headmaster in various educational institutions)

governing, directing


Source: wiktionary.org