What is the meaning of World?
The subjective human experience, regarded collectively; human collective existence; existence in general; the reality we live in.
The subjective human experience, regarded individually.
A majority of people.
The Universe.
The Earth, especially in a geopolitical or cultural context, or as the physical planet.
Any of several possible scenarios concerning The Earth, either as the physical planet, or in a geopolitical, cultural or societal context.
(Several) alternative scenarios concerning The Earth, either as the physical planet, or in a geopolitical, cultural or societal context.
A planet, especially one which is inhabited or inhabitable.
Any other astronomical body which may be inhabitable, such as a natural satellite.
A very large extent of country.
In various mythologies, cosmologies, etc., one of a number of separate realms or regions having different characteristics and occupied by different types of inhabitants.
A fictional realm, such as a planet, containing one or multiple societies of beings, especially intelligent ones.
An individual or group perspective or social setting.
The part of an operating system distributed with the kernel, consisting of the shell and other programs.
A subdivision of a game, consisting of a series of stages or levels that usually share a similar environment or theme.
The twenty-second trump or major arcana card of the tarot.
Age, era.
To consider or cause to be considered from a global perspective; to consider as a global whole, rather than making or focusing on national or other distinctions; compare globalize.
To make real; to make worldly.
The world, the planet (i.e., Earth)
A dimension, realm, or existence, especially human existence.
The trappings and features of human life.
The political entities of the world.
The people of the world, especially when judging someone.
An age, era or epoch.
The universe, the totality of existence.
Alternative form of weorold
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing