What is the meaning of è?
In French, Italian, Occitan and Catalan the è is pronounced /ɛ/ as opposed to é which is pronounced /e/.
In Italian it is used to indicate a stressed e, /ɛ/, at the end of a word.
In older writings on Old Icelandic or Old (West) Norse (e.g. A grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue) è is used instead of the modern é to denote that the phoneme is different in character (a rising diphthong) compared to á, í, ó, ú and ý (falling diphthongs or monophthongs).
Found in words borrowed from other languages.
Used poetically instead of e in order to indicate that it is pronounced, as opposed to mute.
she's, it's: contraction of elle est.
The letter ⟨e⟩ in a stressed final syllable when pronounced /ɛ/.
third-person singular present indicative of essere; is
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Additional letter, used in some words to denote the short stress on e.
Phonetic transcription of sound [ɛ].
Additional letter, used in some words to denote the long stress on e.
A letter of the Tlingit alphabet, written in the Latin script.
third-person singular present indicative of èssere
third-person singular present indicative of èssiri
The letter e with the grave accent.
The letter E, marked for its short pronunciation in monosyllabic words.
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