What is the meaning of Brim?

Originally, a border or edge of a sea, a river, or other body of water; now, any border or edge.

  1. The topmost lip or rim of a container, or a natural feature shaped like a container.

    The topmost lip or rim of a container, or a natural feature shaped like a container.

    A projecting rim, especially of a hat.

    The upper edge or surface of water.

    1. The surface of the ground.
    2. A brink or edge.

    The surface of the ground.

    A brink or edge.

    1. To fill (a container) to the brim (noun sense 1.1), top, or upper edge.
    2. To fill (something) fully.

    To fill (a container) to the brim (noun sense 1.1), top, or upper edge.

    To fill (something) fully.

    To be full until almost overflowing.

    (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:) The sea; ocean; water; flood.

    Synonym of bream (a freshwater fish from one of a number of genera); specifically , the redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus).

    Of a boar (male pig): to mate with (a sow (female pig)); to rut.

    Of a sow: to be in heat; to rut; also, to mate with a boar.

    The period when a sow (female pig) is ready to mate; a heat, an oestrus, a rut; also, an act of a boar (male pig) and sow mating.

    Synonym of breme (of the sea, wind, etc.: fierce; raging; stormy, tempestuous)

    An irascible, violent woman.

    brim: a projecting rim of a hat

    verbal noun of baram

    sea, ocean, water

    surf; the surface of the sea

    the edge of the sea or a body of water

    surf; the surface of the sea

    sea, ocean, water

    Source: wiktionary.org