What is the meaning of Public?

Able to be known or seen by everyone; happening without concealment; open to general view.

Open to all members of a community, as opposed to only a segment of it; especially, provided by national or local authorities and supported by money from taxes.

Of a company: having shares of stock traded publicly, for example, through a stock market.

Pertaining to the people as a whole, as opposed to a group of people; concerning the whole community or country.

Officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the government or state on behalf of the community, rather than by a private organization.

Pertaining to a person in the capacity in which they deal with other people on a formal or official basis, as opposed to a personal or private capacity; official, professional.

Of an object: accessible to the program in general, not only to a class or subclass.

  1. Pertaining to nations collectively, or to nations regarded as civilized; international, supernational.
  2. Now chiefly in public spirit and public-spirited: seeking to further the best interests or well-being of the community or nation.
  3. Now only in public figure: famous, prominent, well-known.

Pertaining to nations collectively, or to nations regarded as civilized; international, supernational.

Now chiefly in public spirit and public-spirited: seeking to further the best interests or well-being of the community or nation.

Now only in public figure: famous, prominent, well-known.

In some older universities in the United Kingdom: open or pertaining to the whole university, as opposed to a constituent college or an individual staff member or student.

  1. Of or pertaining to the human race as a whole; common, universal.
  2. Chiefly in make public: of a work: printed or otherwise published.

Of or pertaining to the human race as a whole; common, universal.

Chiefly in make public: of a work: printed or otherwise published.

Chiefly preceded by the: members of the community or the people in general, regardless of membership of any particular group.

  1. Preceded by a possessive determiner such as my, your, or their: a group of people who support a particular person, especially a performer, a writer, etc.; an audience, a following.

    Preceded by a possessive determiner such as my, your, or their: a group of people who support a particular person, especially a performer, a writer, etc.; an audience, a following.

    Short for public house (an inn, a pub); also , in full public bar: the more basic bar in a public house, as contrasted with the lounge bar or saloon bar which has more comfortable seats, personalized service, etc.

    Often preceded by the and a qualifying word: a particular demographic or group of people, or segment of the population, sharing some common characteristic.

    A group of people sharing some common cultural, political, or social interest, but not necessarily having any interactions with each other.

    1. Chiefly preceded by the: a collective body of a politically organized nation or state; a body politic, a nation, a state; also, the interest or well-being of such a collective body; the common good.

      Chiefly preceded by the: a collective body of a politically organized nation or state; a body politic, a nation, a state; also, the interest or well-being of such a collective body; the common good.

      At Harvard University: a penalty imposed on a student involving a grade reduction which is communicated to the student's parents or guardian.

      Chiefly in in public: the presence of spectators or people generally; the open.

      To make (something) openly or widely known; to publicize, to publish.

       An internet publication.


      1. of the people as a whole

        of the people as a whole

        seen or known by everyone

        representing the state on behalf of the community

        open to all

        public (people in general)


        plural of publich

        public (not private; available to the general populace)


        public, audience


        the public

        Source: wiktionary.org