What is the meaning of ?

the tip or top of a plant

  1. a twig or shoot

    a twig or shoot

    a treetop

    the tip or end of something

    the top or peak of a mountain

    the edge or verge of a road or field

    a descendant

    the future, later, after

    the end of a period of time

    old age, the end period of a lifetime

    a degraded world, a world with low morals and corrupt politics

    the end of a month, the latter third of a month

    some time considerably later

    the result, outcome, or trace, remains of something having been done

    the direction in which someone has gone or will go

    the youngest or last child

    youth, childhood

    the lowest seat, the seat at the foot of a table; the lowest rank

    the last two seven-mora stanzas or lines of a 短歌 (tanka) poem

    the end of a sentence or word

    the latter portion of a book or serial

    the origin, the starting point

    the interior rooms of a palace or manor where maids worked; a maid who worked in such a household

    a low class or grade; an item of low class or grade

    something minor, a trifle


    in a 神楽 (kagura) performance, the seats on the right side facing the altar or shrine; the performers playing in these seats

    the tip or top of a plant

    1. a twig or shoot

      a twig or shoot

      a treetop

      the tip or end of something

      the tip or top of a plant

      1. a twig or shoot

        a twig or shoot

        a treetop


        in traditional Chinese theater, an extra, a minor part

        the end of a period of time

        Source: wiktionary.org