What is the meaning of So?

ISO 639-1 language code for Somali.

Reduced form of 'so that', used to express purpose; in order that.

With the result that; for that reason; therefore.

Used as a sentence-starting filler or introductory word for pragmatic or phatic purposes, with no particular meaning.

Used to connect previous conversation or events to the following question.

Used to introduce a rhetorical question.

Provided that; on condition that; as long as.

To the (explicitly stated) extent that.

To the (implied) extent.

Very (positive or negative clause).

Very much.

at all (negative clause).

In a particular manner.

In the same manner or to the same extent as aforementioned; likewise, also.

: To such an extent or degree; as.

Mark Liberman, "Ask Language Log: So feminine?", 2012 March 26

As what was or will be mentioned.

In that state or manner; with that attribute. A proadjective that replaces the aforementioned adjective phrase.


Used after a pause for thought to introduce a new topic, question or story, or a new thought or question in continuation of an existing topic.

Used as a question to ask for further explanation of something said, often rhetorically or in a dismissive or impolite manner.

Used as a meaningless filler word to begin a response to a question.

Be as you are; stand still; used especially to cows; also used by sailors.

Abbreviation of someone.

A syllable used in solfège to represent the fifth note of a major scale.

A type of dairy product, made especially in Japan between the seventh and tenth centuries, by reducing milk by boiling it.

so, like that/this, thus (in such a way)

so, that, to such an extent

To stand (to be in a standing position).


so, like that, in that manner

so, to such a degree



emphasis particle

so (clarification of this definition is needed)

his, her, its, one's

hot, warm.

so, like that, in that manner

so, to such a degree


then, in that case

so, therefore

if, in the case that

like, as

both ... and

Alternative form of si (she)


Alternative form of sche

perfective aspect, indicating that the process has been accomplished






so, like that, in that manner

this (used after the noun, which is preceded by the definite article)

so, like that, in that manner



that (agr: rem nom masc)


he (rem masc nom)


first-person singular present indicative of ësar (to be)

your father

your paternal uncle


third-person plural present of bíti

swamp, marsh, bog

(West) under

(Center and East) on

his, her, its

your (polite)


his, hers

yours (polite)

first-person singular present indicative of ser


house, home

[with dative or allative] looking at

look, gaze




first-person singular present indicative of ésser

first-person singular present indicative of ser

Alternative form of es (the, masculine singular)

benefit; advantage; bargain; discount

bargain; advantageous

to respond; to pay attention to

Alternative form of soc (society)

his, her, their

Abbreviation of sobota (Saturday).

sow (female pig)


The name of the Latin-script letter S/s.

so, thus, as


Alternative form of soo

his, her, its; of his, hers, its

his, hers, its

his, hers, its; the thing belonging to him, her,it

under, beneath

so, such, that

as (followed by an adjective or adverb plus wie in a statement of equality)

thus, like this/that, in this/that way, in this/that manner

then (in that case)

expletive; sometimes intensifying, sometimes with no noticeable meaning

thus, so, pursuant to the aforementioned premises

an, if

quotative particle, somewhat similar to be like but also combinable with other verbs

generalizing particle, combines with question words to ask to be given a broad idea, typically by way of some examples

that, which, who

a discourse marker in the beginning of a sentence indicating a topic having been dealt with and another being tackled

Romanization of 𐍃𐍉

Alternative form of sok

Munster form of seo

first-person singular present indicative of sapere (I know)

The hiragana syllable (so) or the katakana syllable (so) in Hepburn romanization.

first-person singular present indicative of ser

second-person singular imperative of soen

so, then, in that case

so, to this or that extent

Alternative form of lo (rare)

he, it

masculine nominative singular of ta (that)


first-person singular present indicative of èssere

Obsolete form of -sa.

Obsolete form of seo.

so, therefore


Alternative form of s





sow (female pig)



To compare.

To pair up.

To straighten one's shoulders, as if to compare one's height to another's.


mangrove horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)


inflection of bod:

  1. second/third-person singular present negative colloquial
  2. first/second/third-person plural present negative colloquial

second/third-person singular present negative colloquial

first/second/third-person plural present negative colloquial

Combining stem of sona.

Combining stem of sona.

Source: wiktionary.org